Sunday, February 5, 2017

Tattoo Designs For Men and Women

Tattoo Design Ideas For Men And Women

Anyone who walks into a tattoo parlor will be greeted with a variety of eye-catching and colorful tattoo designs, including everything from simple to images that are very complex. With the exception of those that have already chosen their preferred image, it can be very difficult to select from the many tattoo designs on the spot. Even if you have already selected a design, the artist may be able to present you with several different options to make your tattoo designs even more personable.

Before arriving for the application of a tattoo, it is best to have a selection of tattoo designs in mind before you enter the parlor. Although there are some exceptions, most men and women will naturally be drawn to different tattoo designs. Men, for instance, would likely prefer something masculine, while women often prefer something dainty and sexy. Of all tattoo designs, women commonly select hearts, butterflies, flowers, lettering, etc. The most popular placement, for women, is the shoulder, lower back and ankle. Men, on the other hand, often prefer that their tattoo designs be placed on the upper arm, chest or back.

While there are tattoo designs that are gender specific, it is important to keep in mind that getting a tattoo is a very personal thing and the image that is ultimately chosen should be one that reflects something that is important to the wearer. Upon discussing the various tattoo designs with the artist, the customer will gain a better understanding of the different options and designs available.

Many individuals select tattoo designs from those presented at the parlor, while others prefer to do some research and help ensure that their design is unlike any other. For certain tattoo designs, some people prefer to look at real life photos or browse through artwork for ideas pertaining to their tattoo designs. If you find an image that you like, simply take it to the artist for an evaluation as to whether or not the image can be recreated in the form of a tattoo.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only. The information contained herein is not intended to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or recommendations for tattoo designs or placement. Prior to getting a tattoo, individuals should consult with their physician to make sure that it is a safe procedure for them to endure. Some individuals should not get a tattoo if they have certain medical conditions or a weakened immune system. For further information, consult a physician or dermatologist.

Looking for tattoo design ideas? Want to view what works? Check out this gallery by clicking here to view our selection of over 30,000 tattoo designs.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Why Tattoo Placement Matters

Tattoo Placement

tattoo placement
We hear everywhere what tattoos are for. Many years ago, they are mainly for spiritual reasons, to ward off evil spirits, to achieve certain powers, to heal a sickness, or to indicate status in a community. Now, they are mainly for self-expression and vanity, although some may still claim to have reasons similar to those of our ancestors, which makes tattoos a lot more interesting.

We might think that the appearance and design of the tattoo is everything. Well, you might also want to consider that placement of the actual tattoo on your body counts a lot. Let’s say, a star tattoo, when placed on the ankle can come across as sweet and innocent. But when the same star tattoo is placed on the belly, it becomes sensual. And when it is placed on the arm, it portrays you as someone tough, no matter how innocent-looking your star tattoo is.

However, for some people, the locations of the tattoos on their body, does not have to do with how it would be interpreted by the general public but by how their employers would react to it. Sometimes, tattoos have to be placed in areas where they could easily be concealed. This applies to professionals whose careers require them to be tattoo-less or those who work in companies wherein visible tattoos are considered to be inappropriate.

For these people, facial tattoos on men are definitely a no-no. For women, it is acceptable if they are there for cosmetic reasons. But in these cases, it is the women that have lesser options for placement of tattoos since men can have a lot of them covered with their clothing. Women cannot have elaborate tattoos on their legs and arms unless they are in men’s suits. However, an inconspicuous tattoo of a tiny fairy or a symbol or a star tattoo would be considered interesting instead of inappropriate.

Also, since tattoos are permanent, you have to consider the changes your body would undergo as the years pass. A cute and sexy star tattoo on the belly may not look as good when you either lose or gain weight because, by then, it would be out of symmetry. When you think of a tattoo design, try to see in your mind’s eye how it would look like 10 or more years later on the part of your body you’re thinking of putting it on. The biceps, the back of the shoulder, and the lower back do not stretch nor shrink as much as the rest of our body does. Therefore I say, these areas would be perfect for tattoo placement; and they’d be easier to conceal.

So, when considering about getting a tattoo, it’s not just about the right size and design. Location matters. Consider what career you’re going to be getting into after college, or how it would look like when you’re old and wrinkly. You can’t just easily erase them when you find out later you put them in the wrong place. To save you a lot of trouble later, make sure you got everything covered.

Looking for tattoo design ideas? Want to view what works? Check out this gallery by clicking here to view our selection of over 30,000 tattoo designs.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Tattoo Design Tips And Tricks

Tips And Tricks For Picking The Proper Tattoo Design

Tattoo Design
Tattoos are permanent marks made on the skin with ink or some other pigments. Tattoo designs highlight a variety of spiritual, magical, and religious beliefs. Tattoo designs range from simple designs to complicated and bold statements. Compared with custom art designs, tattoo designs are very simple and easy. Some tattoo designs are commonly worn by men and women.

Tattoo design professionals are in great demand all over the world. Tattoo designs are created by a needle attached to a hand-held tool or electric tattooing machine. Popular tattoo design themes are tribal tattoos, Celtic tattoos, fairy tattoos, cross tattoos, dragon tattoos, butterfly tattoos, and zodiac tattoos. Tribal tattoos draw inspiration from tribal art and include Maori designs, Aztec sun clocks, and Eskimo totems. Celtic tattoos offer a wide range of designs which are originated from the manuscripts and art forms of Ireland, England, and Scotland. Fairy tattoo designs combine fairy figures, hearts, flowers, glitter, crosses, stars, moons, suns, and other fantasy themes in different colors. Cross tattoos stand for spiritual rather than physical attributes. They represent love, compassion, and peace. Dragon tattoos are of two types: western and eastern dragon. Western dragon is associated with greed for wealth, a wicked character, and destruction. Eastern dragon is considered as benevolent, compassionate, the harbinger of fertility, and a signal of good fortune. Butterfly tattoo designs are available in varied color schemes and sizes. Zodiac tattoo design includes hearts, skulls, flowers, fairies, sun, moon, and stars.

There are different types of tattoo designs: abstractions, naturalistic tattoos, pledge or dedication deigns, simplifications or stylized designs, and complex structures or combinations. Temporary tattoo designs are also available, which last only a few days. Tattoo studios and tattoo artists offer excellent services in tattoo designs. These are also obtained from tattoo sites and tattoo art galleries.

Looking for tattoo design ideas? Want to view what works? Check out this gallery by clicking here to view our selection of over 30,000 tattoo designs.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Tribal Tattoo Designs and Their Meanings

Tribal Tattoo Designs

tribal tattoo design tips

The art of tattooing is probably as old as humanity itself and tribal tattoo designs have always been at the forefront of the most favorite tattoo designs throughout the ages. Even though the technology used in tattoos have evolved from the crude ink and needle techniques of yesteryears to the modern tattoo- making tools and machines that can create colorful, very intricate and very complicated works of art on a human body, the preference for tribal designs never waned.

The following is a short discussion of the various tribal tattoo designs that many people prefer and a look into the meaning behind these designs.

The Traditional Meaning of Tribal Tattoos

It has been the tradition of many tribes around the world to sport a form or two of tribal tattoos on their bodies as part of being a member of that particular tribe. Some of the more popular traditional designs that we see today originated from Borneo, the Celts, the Haidas in Southeast Alaska, the Native American Indians, the ancient Chinese, the Aztecs and other South American tribes, and the Polynesian tribes particularly the Maori people. 

Tribal tattoo designs and meanings vary from each tribe and it depends on their mythological roots and how each tribe view and interact with there surroundings and with the world. Most of these designs are associated with their beliefs and religions and form part of rituals and rights of passages. These tattoo designs also have significant social meanings ranging from a unique identification system for families or tribes or as a record of the individual’s accomplishments and phases in life. Others believe tattoos can bring out magical powers or they can drive off evil spirits.

Tribal Tattoo Meanings in the Modern World

Tribal tattoos are really great-looking designs that stand out despite their monochromatic characteristics. The modern world and tattoo enthusiasts have combined certain elements of traditional designs and mix it up with modern lines, curves and other elements. These designs can be adapted from traditional patterns used by real tribes, or designs can be created from an original variation of the artist using traditional tribal elements.

However, a person wanting such variations or adaptation from original designs should be careful not to offend the original tribe by making more careful studies on tribal tattoo meanings particularly for a specific tribe. Some traditional designs used by native tribes signify their identity and if used by an outsider, the act would be considered a serious insult to the original tribe.   

In most cases, tribal tattoo designs used in a modern context does not have the same meaning or connotation as traditional tribes have intended them to be. Most do not have a real meaning in itself and were just created because of plain, artistic and aesthetic beauty that the image possesses. Despite that, a lot of people are enamored and would prefer the tribal design over the multi-colored variations.

Tattooing is an age-old tradition used by many tribes all throughout the world. The black images used in tribal tattoo designs have different connotations and meanings as they are used throughout the tattoo world - both traditionally and in a modern sense. 

Check out this gallery here, over 30,000 tattoo designs for your viewing please-> Click Here To Visit

5 Tips to Hot and Sexy Tattoo Design for Girls

Sexy Tattoos For Sexy Girls

Sexy Tattoo Design For Girls
Hot girls could really turn heads everywhere they go but girls with hot and sexy tattoo designs could really make men drool.  Tattoos are some of the most noticeable images or ‘permanent’ accessories that anyone could place on their bodies and seeing such masterpieces on women could really redefine what is meant to be cool - particularly if they’re hot and sexy.

The following discusses five of the hottest and sexiest design variations for tattoos that would really look great on any girl.

A Fairy at My Ankle

Hot and sexy tattoo designs can be placed anywhere on a girl’s body and would still come out as striking as any other tattoo designs, even if it is located on or near the ankle. Such sexy designs can be very flirty and can even be enticing to look at. However, the image you should choose should make you more appealing and exotic instead of choosing something ‘cute’ or ‘safe’. One of the best images that a girl can choose would be the sleek and sexy fairy designs that would conform to the curves and contours on her ankle area.

An Angel at My Back

A sleek and sexy angel sporting mighty eternal wings placed at any girl’s back can really be a great hot and sexy tattoo design sample as anything else. Forego the cute and charming cherubs and baby-like angel images and choose a more exotic, bold-looking and utterly sexy angel design. You can even be more exotic and bolder and choose a ‘dark angel’ theme for your design and create a sexier effect.

Dragons: Sexy and Dangerous

Bold and daring girls would not want plain and simple tattoo designs on their bodies but would rather choose something sexy and dangerous. And what can elicit a sense of danger and at the same time something exotic and sexy better than a dragon. Having a dragon design at the lower portion of a girl’s back or even at the shoulders can elicit both a sense of power and sleek beauty that only a dragon can bring.

Tigers: Bold and Different

The same effect that dragons can bring as sexy and dangerous-looking designs, tigers too can be hot and sexy tattoo designs for girls particularly if placed at the back for everyone to see. The design should not take a large portion of the back though and can be placed anywhere between the shoulders and the hips. It would be great to leave some area of skin untouched for that sexier and sleeker effect.

Say It in another Language

For some people, an image that is beautiful to look at but something people may not completely understand would be a great sexy design samples. Words like ‘beautiful’ or even ‘sexy’ written in Chinese, Japanese or any other exotic languages and script can really have a sexy effect if tattooed on the back, arms or legs. 

Bold and beautiful, sleek and sexy - these are traits that some women would like their image to project. They can do this with jewelry and clothing but nothing can create a more powerful effect than having a hot and sexy tattoo design on their bodies.

If you are looking for unique, hot and sexy tattoo design I recommend you have a look at this selection here by clicking here.They have more than 30,000 tattoo designs in their gallery.

Considerations When Choosing An Angel Tattoo Design

Vital Considerations when Choosing Angel Tattoo Designs

Choosing An Angel Tattoo Design

Probably some of the most popular and most endearing symbols or images used in modern contemporary body art forms are angel tattoo designs. Humanity, whatever race, religion or creed people may be in, have long been enamored with angels and what they represent and it is for this reason why people would want permanent representations of these heavenly beings on their bodies.

However, certain considerations should first be taken to ensure that you will end up with something that you truly want and are happy with. The following discusses some of these considerations with the aim of providing a basic guideline for selecting the best tattoo designs that you would cherish for the rest of your life.

Why Choose Angel Tattoo Designs in the First Place?

Angels are heavenly beings that are recognized by almost all major religions, spiritual movements and even paranormal enthusiasts in the world. It is this fascination for the spiritual realm that makes angel tattoos one of the all-time favorite designs - whatever your gender or race may be. 

Another reason why angels have become very popular tattoo designs is because of what angels may symbolize or represent in people’s lives. Aside from being ultimate symbols of goodness, innocence and purity, angels can also represent certain important aspects, elements or events in people’s lives. Various designs of angel tattoos may mean different things to different people, so it is vital that you get all these things and considerations ironed out before committing to this permanent design. 

Choosing Angel Tattoo Designs: Important Considerations to Take

The following discusses some of these considerations that are vital in the selection process and help ensure that you get the perfect angel design.

* Establish what your angel tattoo design would mean

Knowing what you would like your angel tattoo to represent is the first vital step above all else in the selection process. There is a whole array of meanings behind each design and it would be wise to familiarize yourself among these designs which include: guardian angels, angel wings (only), cherubs, mighty archangels, memorial angels (to commemorate a lost loved one), fallen angels and even an angel of death. 

* Establish the size of the design you want

Angel tattoo designs not only have different meanings behind the symbols but they would also vary greatly in the sizes that people would want them portrayed. Some designs may not be rendered well if the size is too small, or may be dull or plain enough is rendered in a bigger size.

* Establish the location for the angel tattoo

The location to where you want your angel to appear is also an important consideration in choosing a design that would match or fit well in that location. Some angel designs may be too simple if tattooed on a wide area on a person’s back, while others may be too complicated to place in an arm or leg.

* Establish the artist or shop who will render your tattoo
Certain angel designs that are too intricate or complicated may need a really skilled tattoo artist. If this is what you have in mind, it is very important that you have established an understanding with your artist, whether he is completely capable of rendering the design or not before committing yourself to his needle.

Angels and angelic symbols are great themes or designs for tattoos and have long been favorites among enthusiasts from around the world. However, it is important to note certain considerations as outlined above among others, to ensure that you’ll have the perfect angel tattoo designs worthy enough to be permanently etched on your bodies. 

If you are looking for unique, hot and sexy tattoo design I recommend you have a look at this site here.They have more than 30,000 tattoo designs in their gallery.